About Me

I completed my undergraduate degree in Sociology, with a specialism in Technologies and Markets, at Warwick University in 2022, and am staying on a fourth year, studying a Master's degree in Sociology. My passion for writing materialised quite late in my undergraduate degree, as I'd become disillusioned by the formulaic aspects of academic writing. Gradually, through establishing my own literary and academic voice, I cultivated an interest in both academic and non-academic writing as a form of storytelling.

The core aim of both my academic and non-academic writing is to resolve the dichotomy between writers and their audience, whether this be through the inclusion of a personal testimony, or simply through limiting my use of jargon when writing on subjects I have expertise in. I'm passionate about journalism as a vehicle for establishing a balance between research rigour, and the capacity to deliver this research in an accessible way, that is also engaging to read. My undergraduate dissertation: 'Corporate Activism: An Oxymoron? Discrepancies in the pledge and practice of Bezos' Amazon', represented a synthesis of these parts, and I received a high first.

At the moment, I'm focussed on broadening my range as a writer, exploring non-academic storytelling, as is evidenced by my writing for The Boar as lifestyle editor and writer for multiple sections, and YES GURL, as a lifestyle and self-improvement writer. At The Boar, I've written for multiple sections of the paper, including news, lifestyle, climate, comment, and music.

My current research interests surround how experiences of abjection are mediated through neoliberal governmentality. I plan to write my postgraduate dissertation on how neoliberalism has shaped the lived experience of Long-Covid sufferers in the UK, and how this has informed their relationships with themselves, each other, and the UK's public sector.